This Summer with the release of Captain America, Get Wired 2 will be on the big screen. From May to December we are playing a 15 second advertisement in all 16 theaters of the Rockaway Townsquare Mall AMC Theater at least 4 times daily. The AMC Movie Theater serves 800,000 movie goers per year. That’s a lot of potential Generac generator installations. The goal is to build awareness of our brand and attract customers who are interested in automatic backup generators.
We are excited to try this new form of advertising. It is hoped that we will reach customers in towns like Blairstown, Allamuchy, Green Twp., Budd Lake, Rockaway, Roxbury, Flanders, Chester, Mendham, Long Valley and Many others. So, if you are going to the movies in Rocakay, keep an eye on the preshow and you will see our new movie star debut.